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Make Hummus Not War (trailer)

This might be the most important documentary ever made about hummus, and it seems like real fan. Make Hummus Not War is here.

Make Hummus Not War“, a 77 minute documentary by Trevor Grahm, premiered last week in the Melbourne Film Festival (MIFF).

This is, I believe, the longest, most important and potentially the best film ever made about hummus (except maybe “The Hummus Enforcement Agency“).

Grahm, an Australian hummus fan who’s also pretty much in love with the Middle-East, was triggered to make this film by the “hummus war” between Israel and Lebanon (which makes it, again, one of the nicest war we had in the region).

hummus-not-war movie

Who owns hummus? This may not be the most important question.

He went on a quest from Israel to Lebanon to Jordan and the Occupied Territories and back, during which he interviewed dozens of people, including myself, about the origins, history, politics and culture of hummus.

I’m not sure if he got good answers to questions like where did hummus come from, who invented it, or who owns it. But there are so many interesting questions regarding hummus, to which he does have good answers.

The findings in Trevor’s research about hummus are really amazing. I haven’t seen the full movie yet, but I know some of the materials and I know that’s a certain “must” for any hummus fan anywhere in the world.

Sometime soon the film’s official site will be shipped, and meanwhile you can join their facebook page. But first thing first – watch the trailer:


3 Comments on Make Hummus Not War (trailer)

  1. Please, don’t give up on this blog! I love your recipes!

  2. Just watching ‘make hummus, not war’ now on TV, so found your blog as a result. What a great movie, what a great food. I am going to look up some recipes this weekend.
    Love your blog.

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