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RMDLO: the Best for my Chickpeas

RMDLO is an innovative collapsible colander, which may change the way people drain their soaked chickpeas – among other things. The inventors are having a Kickstarter campaign to take it into mass production, and they need your help.

Don’t know about you – I own three to five different colanders and strainers at any given time.

There are the large ones, of course, which I use for chickpeas, pasta and other foods in relatively large quantities which are soaked or cooked then drained. I usually have two of those and 2-3 smaller colanders, for teas, herbs, gravies and such.

cooking-on-gas RMDLO colander


So the advantages of having a collapsible colander like RMDLO (in the photo) – which may be the only kind I’ll ever need – is pretty clear to me, especially since it looks like a product that will survive longer than those I had until now.

It may also replace my somewhat rusty steamer basket, which is basically a primitive ancestor of RMDLO.
Another reason I purchased one (for 20 pound which is roughly $30) and sat to write a post about it, is that the inventor Ran Merkazy is my cousin (but hey – if it looked like a shitty product I wouldn’t).



These days, Ran and his partner Freddie are running a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise the 45,000 English pounds ($75,600 US) needed for engineering, tooling, manufacturing and other production logistics, so that ARMDLO can go into mass production.

There’s a lot yet to be said about this slick utensil which may be only a first in a fascinating series of products. You can read about is in their Kickstarter page or their website.

I think it will prove to be a must for many of the blog’s readers, but you don’t really have to buy it in order to support the campaign – if you can like, share and/or send it to other foodies you know, this would also be awesome. Don’t miss the video.

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