If you are a Hummus lover, you’ve probably heard – or even tasted – the big names, such as Abu Hasan and Said But the Hummus scene in Israel has a lot more [...]
We don’t really need a special holiday to celebrate hummus, but the Hummus Day is certainly an initiative worth mentioning and a great PR for hummus. So why don’t [...]
“Fatah and Hummus operate in a constant state of conflict. Fatah rules the West Bank. Hummus rules the Gaza Strip… Fatah is largely a secular political movement, while [...]
A new web series with surprising funders, market Israel as a center of culture and hitech and a hotbed for religious pluralism, but mostly as an ideal place for excessive [...]
Tnuva, an Israeli company recently acquired by a Chinese food giant, has entered the Israeli packaged hummus market, where it is in direct competition with the companies [...]