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Online Encounters from the 3rd Kind

This hummus blog thing is very awkward for me. Not because I think a blog about hummus is a strange thing, but – I suppose – mainly because English is not my mother tongue.

You see, when writing in Hebrew for the Israeli version of this blog, I feel comfortable both with the language and the audience. When writing in English, I address a completely different kind of online community, in a language which I’m obviously less fluent at.

Most Israelis love hummus, and although some of them are more eager to read about it, many in my blog’s community are ordinary people, coming only for my hummus reviews.

In this blog, there aren’t many reviews because the whole point is to give people reviews of local places in their own geographical region. People come here from all over the world, so it’s a better idea for them to write reviews for The Hummus Blog, than the other way around. This, by the way, is part of the future model for this relatively young blog.

In the meantime, I get traffic from many countries, and my surfing guests look mainly for the recipes (I’m going to add quite a few of these in the near future too). My current audience includes everything from hummus professionals, some of which are actually chefs, through hummus lovers, to people who had just tasted hummus for the first time and want to know more about it.

I get a lot of people visiting the site, who conceive hummus as a part of their heritage kitchen. Some of them are Palestinians, Syrians or people from Lebanon, who may see me as their enemy. Although in many ways I have more in common with them than with some of my American visitors, seeking for a recipe of hummus with chili peppers or whatever.

Above all, I guess, this blog is a natural meeting place for people from different background and even from different cultures – a lot like a hummus place. And around the table, with a nice plate of delicious hummus, all differences are irrelevant. So what’s really important here is the love of hummus, which i believe will finally win.

4 Comments on Online Encounters from the 3rd Kind

  1. Hi Shooky — even though you say it is a little awkward for you to write in English, I am so glad that you do! I love your blog, and the recipes, and also the photos of places you visit, even if they are far away from here (Seattle). There is one place here that makes delicious humus (it’s called Mr. Kebob), let me know if you ever want me to send you photos 😉

  2. aHlan yaHabibi,
    the internet needs more blogs like this. my love affair with the hummus started as a young child, as my father is an expert in this field, in addition to being a highly respected doctor. the story of how he learned to make such great hummus always warms my heart, and just shows what a great thing it is – while living in London as a young man he shared a flat with a Palestinian who initiated him into the secrets of making excellent hummus and other such Eastern delights. i live in New Zealand now where the hummus is awful, unless home made by an expert (i am still at the apprentice stage) but there is a decent syrian brand available. i have to say that there is nothing like great hummus and having visited Israel for the first time this year, i am considering making aliyah just on this basis. maybe. the thing which puts me off is the insane Americans and other frightening kitzonim who frequent the talkback pages of ynet english edition.
    until next time,

  3. Thank you for the site. I will visit often. I lived in Tel Aviv for a short time as a child and have been homesick for Israel. I miss the people and the land, and of course the hummus, and the falafel stands.

  4. Natalie – our pleasure. Come and visit.

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